Blog: 2021 – A Year In Review

For many of us, 2021 can be summed up in just a few words.

Unpredictable. Scary. Chaotic. Promising. Hopeful.

Whatever your preference, it is likely we can agree that these uncertain times has forced all of us to think outside the box, to adapt to changing circumstances, and to learn new things and to do them in unique ways. We at SyncThink…

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Blog: Finding the Keys to Scalability – Democratizing Brain Health Assessment

June 3, 2021 In cased you missed it, check out our feature on us written by our partners at Tobii: By Maggie Ma For this innovation story, I sat with Scott Anderson, chief clinical officer at SyncThink — an expanding Palo-Alto tech company that has recently launched the third generation of its brain health […]

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Blog: Cognitive Performance Optimization: The Rise of the Digital Warfighter

In 2018, the United States Department of Defense (DoD) embarked on a bold new path designed to re-imagine and modernize the soldier of the future. In a changing world with diplomatic tensions rising and new adversaries emerging, DoD sensed their longstanding military advantage and strategies to prevent conflict were waning. With global society dependent on […]

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Blog: Clinical Grade Eye Tracking: Precision, Accuracy and Robustness

Accuracy vs Precision For several EYE-SYNC assessments, including Saccades, VOR, and VORx, eye-target synchronization is measured by reporting on the metrics of precision and accuracy. While these concepts are closely related, there are important distinguishing factors to master for any clinician utilizing these metrics in their workflow. At the highest level, the precision of eye […]

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Blog: Augmented Reality Fieldview 2020 – Part III

Context What is the current state of the human endeavour in digitally augmenting our world? Moreover, in considering where we are today, how have we arrived at this point, and where will our efforts lead? To understand the augmented reality (AR) ecosystem in 2020, we must rewind a decade and project half as far into […]

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Blog: Dynamic Vision: The Forgotten Skill of High Performance

In today’s world of advanced statistical analysis, big data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), performance optimization has become about identifying an edge and exploiting it for sustained success. Even if it gives us just a marginal 1% advantage over the competition, the potential to reduce an injury or position a particular athlete for success – we […]

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Blog: Augmented Reality Fieldview 2020 – Part II

Context What is the current state of the human endeavor in digitally augmenting our world? Moreover, in considering where we are today, how have we arrived at this point, and where will our efforts lead? To understand the augmented reality (AR) ecosystem in 2020, we must rewind a decade and project half as far into […]

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Blog: Augmented Reality Fieldview 2020 – Part I

Context What is the current state of the human endeavour in digitally augmenting our world? Moreover, in considering where we are today, how have we arrived at this point, and where will our efforts lead? To understand the augmented reality (AR) ecosystem in 2020, we must rewind a decade and project half as far into […]

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Blog: EYE-SYNC Induced Brain Error Signal

What happens in the brain when you get an error signal and what is an error? The brain is a prediction machine  and is always expecting sensory feedback from interactions. You expect correct feedback in both expected timing and spatial prediction. Error in prediction For example, you reach for a doorknob and expect the feeling […]

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Blog: EYE-SYNC and Kaizen Brain Center

Recently, we sat down with one of our dearest and longest tenured customers, Dr. Mohammed Ahmed of the Kaizen Brain Center in La Jolla, CA. Dr. Ahmed gave us insight into how his practice operates, how he manages a wide ranging patient population, and how EYE-SYNC has contributed to his clinical workflow and patient care. […]

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Blog: No Brainer: Youth Sports Participation Rates

According to a recent report by the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) and the Aspen Institute, youth participation in most team sports was up slightly in 2017, but was down 4% over the past four years. A decade ago, 45% of children ages 6 to 12 played a team sport regularly, but now only […]

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Blog: Adapting to Innovation: Integrating Eye Tracking Metrics into Your Clinical Practice

Through the process of discovery and innovation, the evolution of clinical practice affords clinicians the opportunity to gain new skills and improve decision making as a result of new, high-fidelity patient data collected and enhanced workflow these opportunities create. Today, however, we have seen a glut of emerging technologies, diagnostics, and equipment create confusion in […]

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